Coronavirus: Why reusing and sharing your water bottle is dangerous

18th May 2021
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Studies to date have suggested that coronavirus causing COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets. The virus is present in the mucous or small droplets of the nose or mouth, which spreads when an infected person coughs or exhales. If anyone comes in contact with this imperceptible mucous on surfaces and then touch their eyes, nose or mouth, their risk of getting infected increases.

While new research on the treatment to fight coronavirus is going on, precaution seems to be the best way to prevent the spread of Covid- 19.

Following these measures might help reduce your risk to the coronavirus:

Drink plenty of water every 15 minutes to keep yourself well hydrated. Drinking lots of water builds immunity.

Avoid using refilled bottle of glass, plastic or any other material as they are not safe if not sterilized for 20 minutes every day. When out of home or travelling it is advisable to drink purified water from a sealed bottle.

Avoid public water coolers at work, malls, movie theatres, airports, as it can be a hotbed for virus transmission which spreads through contact. Do not refill your bottle from public water sources.

Avoid drinking water served in water jugs and glasses as they are used by many and one may not know if they have been washed well before reuse.

Follow good respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.

When travelling in public transport sanitize your hands at regular intervals. After you reach home, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

With coronavirus threatening to run riot in India, taking proper preventive measures can assure safety. It is advisable to consume water which follows strict purification processes, preferably ozone purification. Purified water carries oxygen throughout the body — to organs, tissues, and blood cells, thereby strengthening your immune system.

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