The Essentials of Borewell Water Purification: What You Need to Know

15th Aug 2024
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Borewell water is possibly the most used water source in cities across India. Borewells are manmade wells dug into the ground to tap rock layers called aquifers or soil that bears water. In an astonishing testimony to their need and importance, reports indicate that India has more than 30 million borewells.

However, there is one aspect worth noting in this context. Whenever water is pumped out from borewells, it contains chemicals, dissolved salts, and other microorganisms that may harm our bodies. The contaminant level is majorly dependent on the depth of the borewell since this water is majorly rainwater that seeps into the ground and then gets trapped between the layers of rocks. That is why learning how to purify borewell water is important.

Why Purification is Essential in Urban Centers

Deep bores come into play whenever an aquifer is below 20 meters, while shallower bores are less than 15 meters deep. The water quality in confined and deep bores may be affected due to the higher concentration of naturally occurring minerals and chemicals that may otherwise be hazardous. For shallow bores, the chemical and microbial contamination levels are not as high since there is more protection due to thicker soil and clay layers.

It makes the water unfit for consumption in most cases. At the same time, areas with borewell consumption may see defecated and other harmful elements carried by extracted water, leading to contamination. The levels of TDS (total dissolved solids) are also comparatively higher for borewell water compared to sources such as municipal water or tank water. These usually range around 500 ppm or even more, leading to a saline taste of water, thereby making it hard to consume. So, how to purify borewell water? Let us look at the solution below.

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Purifying Borewell Water- Simple Solutions

The purification and treatment of borewell water is possible with cutting-edge and advanced technologies such as UV (ultraviolet) filtration and RO (reverse osmosis). You should first test the TDS levels of the groundwater and if the value of the same is higher than 300 ppm, which is most likely to happen for borewell water, opt for an RO purifier for the home. This is the only technology that can competently eliminate extra TDS, enabling pure drinking water. It also contributes to sweetening and softening the taste of water to a great extent.

If the TDS levels are lower than 300 ppm, you may choose a UV purifier since the ultraviolet light rays can help kill microorganisms and bacteria that may otherwise be present in the water. Many households also prefer opting for a combination of these two types to combat extra TDS, pathogens, chemicals, and other harmful elements, thereby ensuring healthy consumption. If you want to know how to purify borewell water at home naturally¸ the best thing you can do is boil the water. This should ideally be done for 4-5 minutes and then you should allow the water to cool down before consumption.

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Purified Borewell Water- A Must for Good Health

Purifying borewell water is non-negotiable since it guarantees pure and safe drinking water for regular consumption. You should take the purification methods mentioned above and try to get your water tested if possible. This will give you more clarity about the current scenario and you can plan accordingly.

With many urban regions depending on borewell water for their daily consumption, borewell water purification should be given the highest importance, both at the personal and community levels. At the same time, if you do not have access to purification methods or the borewell water in your area is completely unfit to drink, consider bottled mineral water. This will be a safe and healthy option for daily consumption, whether at home or on the move.

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