The Health Impacts of Drinking Cold Water: Benefits and Risks

25th Aug 2024
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When it comes to our daily water intake, the ICMR recommends consuming around 6-8 glasses of water each day or 1.9 liters (this includes water present in food) in temperate climates. While this may not be new information, it is certainly not the whole picture. While you may be drinking adequate amounts of water, its temperature can determine how it benefits your body. In this article, we will focus on whether you should be consuming cold water. It is a pertinent question since there is still widespread confusion about the side effects of drinking cold water and its possible benefits.

Risks of Drinking Cold Water

Parents, community elders, and even doctors sometimes call drinking cold water a bad habit. Here are some risks that usually contribute to these perceptions.

  • Cold water can sometimes lead to digestive problems for some individuals. It may happen since cold water can hinder the absorption of nutrients and contract the stomach, slowing the digestive process. Those suffering from achalasia (a condition where your body’s ability to pass food through the esophagus is affected) may also find it painful to consume cold water with their meals.
  • Cold water may lead to cough and cold, blocked noses, and sore throats for individuals vulnerable to contracting the same in hot, humid, or chilly cold weather. It may also trigger or aggravate conditions like migraine in some people as per research reports.
  • Cold water may also lead to a reduction in the heart rate and your body may have to work even harder to maintain its regular internal temperature of approximately 37°C or 98.6°F.
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But besides these side effects of drinking cold water, there are some benefits to it as well.

Benefits of Drinking Cold Water

  • Drinking cold water while exercising can keep the body from heating up excessively (by delaying the increase in core body temperature) and improving overall performance.
  • Furthermore, it can also be a potent solution for post-workout recovery, cooling the body, and tackling muscle inflammation and higher body temperatures.
  • Cold water, just like water at room temperature, keeps you hydrated while potentially boosting your metabolism as well. In a study, German researchers discovered that consuming six cups of cold water daily can increase resting metabolism by approximately 50 calories. This is due to the additional work required to bring the cold water to normal body temperature, which may potentially help you burn more calories over time.
  • Consuming cold water may also help you achieve healthier and glowing skin by soothing facial irritation, tightening skin pores, and lowering puffiness, redness, or swelling.

Along with all these benefits, cold water may sometimes be a quick fix for an instant energy boost, leading to higher alertness and focus, particularly in demanding or stressful scenarios.

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Should You Drink Cold Water?

Cold water consumption can give you several benefits if you consume it in moderation. At the same time, if you are susceptible to/suffering from cough, cold, sore throat, fever, and other such ailments, then it is best to avoid it. The same applies to those with chronic digestion issues.

Conversely, those working out regularly can use it to boost performance and cool down better after every session. To sum up, most of the benefits of water consumption apply to cold water as well. Hence, even though there’s a perpetual cold vs hot water debate, the fact remains the effects vary from one person to another. Taking both the benefits and risks into account, it can be said that the answer to the question largely rests on your individual preferences and health.


Does Bisleri water have no side effects?

Yes, Bisleri water is considered safe as it undergoes a stringent 10-stage purification process and 90 quality checks before making its way to you. 

Is drinking cold water bad for your heart?

Drinking cold water can affect the heart by stimulating the vagus nerve, which can lower heart rate. While this is usually not a problem for most people, those with certain heart conditions might experience discomfort. It’s best to consult a healthcare provider if you have concerns about how cold water might impact your heart.

Is chilled water good for health?

Chilled water can be beneficial in specific scenarios, such as cooling down the body during exercise. However, it might cause digestive issues, exacerbate migraines, and affect respiratory health by increasing mucus production. It’s best to consume chilled water in moderation and based on personal tolerance.

What are the benefits of drinking cold water?

Drinking cold water can help lower body temperature and can also aid in staying hydrated in hot weather, making it a good option for those looking to cool down quickly.


The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions related to your health.

Source Note:

Please note that there has been limited research on the side effects and benefits of drinking cold water in the Indian context. Therefore, authoritative international sources have been referred to in this article to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic.


DGI_07th_May_2024_fin.pdf (

Headache caused by drinking cold water is common and related to active migraine - PubMed (

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