Visit to the Bisleri plant in Mumbai and why Bisleri is my favourite

21st Aug 2019
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I started my career as a Radio Jockey back in 2006, and have always been a working woman my life, I also started working 8 months post my first baby was born back in 2014. But…something in me always made me wonder as to how would it be to run my own venture and this gave birth to my own brand, SuperMOM. This meant that I had to work doubly hard, in fact, 10 times harder as I was a working woman, a mommy, an employee, homemaker and now an entrepreneur. I had to travel constantly and was always on a run; hence I just got to spend a rare 2 hours in the evening with my daughter.

I was concerned about the food she ate, TV/Internet she watched if she hurt herself while playing and most importantly if she was consuming enough water and most importantly clean water. So…What did I do so that I would be rest assured about my kid’s safety?

Read on as to how can you be on safe and independent and make sure your kid is well taken care of…

Trust an age-old Brand

I started SuperMOM because I always loved talking about all things Maternity and Baby and would never lose interest in this. Also, People are not going to stop having kids so yes….Having done this for 3 years, I was confident that I could take it to the next level hence I ventured into this full time. This meant that I would be busy and always travelling. Sometimes I would lose track of time with the shoots, podcasts, events and edits and all this time what did I do to make sure that my daughter remained healthy? I ensured that she only had Bisleri at Home and always while travelling. I also read up some info.


Bisleri is very well known and no one argues that it is the purest form of water we can give anyone. Bisleri is a household name and a leader in its category making it is the most trusted brand of mineral water in India. Bisleri has a strong presence, with 125 operational plants and a strong distribution network of 3000 Distributors & 5000 Distribution trucks across India & neighboring countries. Bisleri stands true to its promise of providing safe, pure & healthy mineral water to consumers for the last 50 years..


Bisleri comes in 20-litre bottles which we use at home and carry small ones outside. Many asked me if this was hampering her immunity and the mineral content in the water was good for a baby? We answered their questions by logging in the website and obtaining the correct information.

So, what does the water get before it reaches you? Tender loving care and more. Trusted by millions since 1969, every Bisleri bottle goes through a rigorous 10 STEP PURIFICATION


We visited the Bisleri Factory located at the heart of Mumbai. It was so easy to reach here and me and my daughter were really excited to know as to how water was made. The Bisleri authorities greeted us and we began our visit. We loved how clean the factory was, the safety standard here was really strict so that no dirt could creep in. We were even made to tie our hair, remove our earrings and our shoes were covered with plastic etc…I was really impressed. We entered the factory and we came to know about the tests the water goes through.


  • 11 TESTS are carried out every 3 MONTHS to confirm the sensorial, chemical and the microbiological properties of Raw water
  • 7 TESTS are related to the TASTE & COLOUR OF WATER.
  • Remaining 4 TESTS are for detecting the NUMBER AND TYPE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS in Raw water. Before approval of any manufacturing unit, all these tests are conducted on SOURCE WATER.

The First step is Ozonization and this is done to remove any kind of microbes that is bad organisms in the water.

The second step is Sand Filtration and 4th Carbon Filtration. This is something I learnt at the plant visit which was RO or Reverse Osmosis…This basically means that total absence of bacteria in the water we consume is not optimal hence good bacteria is added to the water. The last but not the least is Micron Filtration which means 2 TESTS are done on a WEEKLY BASIS to MONITOR MICRO-ORGANISMS in product water.


Many of us including me were really concerned as to how plastic is safe but that was also addressed by the authorities and what we came to know is that the TESTS are done on the container every 3 MONTHS and they also ensure that the plastic used is safe and packaging and labeling is taken care of. Also, 2 TESTS are done on WEEKLY BASIS TO MONITOR AND CONTROL MICRO-ORGANISMS in empty containers. This made us absolutely sure that we were indeed trusting an age old brand.

You need to finish whatever you start

Remember, successfully running a business requires a systematic and streamlined approach.

Life is tougher for a new-age mom, but she is strong enough to take it head on too. As one yourself, you may have to juggle between catering to your baby’s needs and managing the A-to-Z of your business. But, what you cannot afford is to leave any loose ends. Meaning, don’t leave anything that you started halfway through. So, be ready to manage it all at the same time and trust pure water for your kid. I trust only Bisleri.

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